Wednesday, January 29, 2014

I'm sensing a theme....

Do you hear what I hear? *crickets and even more crickets*  Yup, and I'm extremely excited about those crickets too....because *drum roll* both of my babes are SLEEPING at the same time.  Miracle of miracles for sure, at least for me.  I have been working on this since Baby J was born and my stats for victory are like -0.000087% success. Now I'm just awaiting the dreaded whines from upstairs indicating X-man has just pooed in his diaper and refuses to just stay asleep with the stink bomb in-situ.  Its moments like this that make me hold my breath for about 1.2 seconds then run around the house like a chihuahua on speed (laundry, dishes, toys everywhere, folding clothes, and continue with the endless list) although I would rather be sipping my nectar and lounging on the couch watching bad day time television. 

So back to my theme for the week...accomplishments.  I made it to the gym today, after a 3 day hiatus.  It took 2 days just to talk myself into actually venturing to that self imposed torture facility and believe me it only would have taken one/uno/ein eensie-teensie negative suggestion to keep me from going. Honestly, its the even LARGER negative thought of becoming a fattie that keeps me going, plus I do feel good AFTER.  What can I say, I'm a walking contradiction with most of my feelings towards any given thing. 

It is X-Man's birthday soon so today I put on my big girl panties and put together his tricycle, from his GiGi and Papa, all by lonesome.  I like working with my hands and putting things together, strange but true fact about myself. Give me a hammer and you may get a picture hung or a hole in the wall....I did say I was enthusiastic but never did I say I was GOOD at it.  Anywho, the trike was super duper easy peasy to put together and came with a how-to in pictures (my fave, cuz who wants to READ instructions?) and took 15 minutes.  I even had pictorial evidence for you!



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