Wednesday, January 29, 2014

I'm sensing a theme....

Do you hear what I hear? *crickets and even more crickets*  Yup, and I'm extremely excited about those crickets too....because *drum roll* both of my babes are SLEEPING at the same time.  Miracle of miracles for sure, at least for me.  I have been working on this since Baby J was born and my stats for victory are like -0.000087% success. Now I'm just awaiting the dreaded whines from upstairs indicating X-man has just pooed in his diaper and refuses to just stay asleep with the stink bomb in-situ.  Its moments like this that make me hold my breath for about 1.2 seconds then run around the house like a chihuahua on speed (laundry, dishes, toys everywhere, folding clothes, and continue with the endless list) although I would rather be sipping my nectar and lounging on the couch watching bad day time television. 

So back to my theme for the week...accomplishments.  I made it to the gym today, after a 3 day hiatus.  It took 2 days just to talk myself into actually venturing to that self imposed torture facility and believe me it only would have taken one/uno/ein eensie-teensie negative suggestion to keep me from going. Honestly, its the even LARGER negative thought of becoming a fattie that keeps me going, plus I do feel good AFTER.  What can I say, I'm a walking contradiction with most of my feelings towards any given thing. 

It is X-Man's birthday soon so today I put on my big girl panties and put together his tricycle, from his GiGi and Papa, all by lonesome.  I like working with my hands and putting things together, strange but true fact about myself. Give me a hammer and you may get a picture hung or a hole in the wall....I did say I was enthusiastic but never did I say I was GOOD at it.  Anywho, the trike was super duper easy peasy to put together and came with a how-to in pictures (my fave, cuz who wants to READ instructions?) and took 15 minutes.  I even had pictorial evidence for you!



Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Blogger and better things OR Case of the Tuesdays

If the title wasn't enough to pique your interest in my musings for the day, then let me enlighten.  You see, I'm terrible at keeping up with my blog but in my head I constantly have these great light bulbs pinging off all the time (also possible I have undiagnosed ADD).....alas a case of the Tuesdays has struck and now you 're stuck with this.  A case of the Tuesdays you are saying to yourself, I thought it was a case of the Mundays-and you would be mostly right unless of course you are me and somehow the feeling from yesterday has crept into today.  First its subzero temps here and the hubs work related absence is making the days LONG.  However, today I had to make a list of my accomplishments-small but mighty, its the little things right?

1. Diapers are CLEAN and somewhat put together for usage, plus reading my fave blog ever...go check it out  here

2. Oh nectar of the gods, why do you taste so good and ultimately disappear too quickly????

3. Made it to story time this am at a new place, and was pleasantly surprised this place sells new and consignment stuff....SO Baby J has his first pair of wellies that he may fit into in like a year? Ever prepared am I!

4. Thank you craigslist for finally gracing me with a kiddie table and chairs....I'm super picky and wanted wood.

5. But Kendra, that's just a picture of your baby and its not like you grew him, birthed him and all that jazz in one day and again dear readers you would be correct.....the accomplishment today is that he is DRESSED! Victory and a round of applause please!

6. Yamaka or helmet, you decide.