Alllllllllllll this started when I was waxing sentimental, maybe feeling a little blue about friendships that have been neglected and people I once knew that I now only know anything about BECAUSE of facebook and that just made me even more sad....especially when I attempted to reach out and was left with nothing but the aforementioned feelings. Then I realized that my expectations of what facebook could or should be were just WAY TOO HIGH (the eternal optimist in me was a little crushed-NOT!). Anywhos, I'm over it and being a voyeur into other lives without actually getting to be a participant in anyway made me feel a little bit too much like this:
My oh-so-wisest of the owls mom listened to my sob story, probably rolled her eyes more than once at my saddest of tales and reminded me that facebook is the water cooler of our generation, the place to check-in with people and not to get my panties into such a wad over it. On a another note, I'm completely demoralized that so many conversations I have start with "did you see this or that on fb?" Well, I certainly hope the new way to communicate and relate with people doesn't come solely from someones latest status update, overshare or most recent pic upload. Besides, I just spend too much time on it and that is really what it boils down to. So, instead you can find me here on a daily basis.
My final feelings about today and how awesome I feel to have finally pulled the trigger can BEST be summed up with interpretive dance:
p.s. I just hope I don't wake up in the middle of the night panicking that I've forgotten to do something or lost something important only to realize that all the fuss is about deleting fb.